Being a Homemaker

Home Burnout

Unable to function? If you are in constant overwhelm and stressed, this may mean you are having a home burnout.

If you have these “symptoms”

  • fumbling through house work
  • losing frequently used items
  • lacking clarity
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • less productive
  • unmotivated

Then you are definitely having a home burnout.

A home burnout (similar to any other personal or work burnout) simply means your home has become a stressful place and things are not running smoothly.

I have been at this point. I was always good at managing my home despite all my issues. My home was my safe spot, my forte but when I started having difficulty managing my home, I hit the panic button. I didn’t know what to do. I was literally anxious and depressed. But no more, now wherever I get to this point, I remind myself it is just a home burnout.

Why and when does a home burnout happen?

A Home Burnout happens when systems no longer work and things that you need are not easy to access. Our lifestyle evolves and if the home isn’t functioning to accommodate the lifestyle and the changes, a huge problem is created.

Not having an efficient and functional home means you are taking longer to get less done.
There is more clutter and less time to declutter.

As with dealing with any sort of burnout, there are some steps that will help you overcome the despair.

Understand the Issue

Yup! Remind yourself it’s just a home burnout. Nothing you can’t fix.

Take Time Off

Take a step back. Stop doing whatever you are doing (right and wrong).
Relax and breathe! Stay in this step until you are ready to move on.

Assess your Home

Now that you can think more calmly, it’s time to assess your needs within your home. Think deeply about

  1. what you are finding to be frustrating.
  2. what will make your tasks easier to complete.
  3. what undone tasks are hindering your progress and productivity

Sometimes, your changes will be minor while at other times, it might be as major as remodelling a room.

You should consider doing this individually for every area that is overwhelming you.

Create new Systems

Only when you know the problem, can you find the answer.

Think of ways to overcome the issues. You might want to consider moving things around, delegating tasks, getting help, decluttering and so forth. Basically, anything that you can do to reorganise your home to function better.

Have a Reset Day

A home reset is the process of getting your home and possessions back to a semblance of clean and tidy, able and ready to fulfill its functions as a workable and welcoming space.

Just like you, your home needs a reset day. Send the family off (unless they promise to be helpful) and focus on reorganising. Get all the odd jobs done- fix the broken handle and that leaky faucet!
Do all the reorganising that you have planned. Set out new systems for the family to follow.

Be Prepared to Repeat

Not all systems you implement will work. You might need to tweak them, change organisation plans or even omit a system completely. No matter how many times you find yourself back at the drawing board, each system will teach you what works and what doesn’t and more importantly, from every failure, will emerge a system that works.

Is this day as magical for you as it is for me?
Do you have any other ideas to overcome the challenges you face in your home? I’d love to hear from you.

1 thought on “Home Burnout”

  1. Thank you very much for this post. much needed. I would like to read more in this series.

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